Cory Mills: Voting for Jihadist Interests?Jun 14, 20241 min readMILL'S VOTING RECORDVotes against National SecurityVotes with DemocratsVotes with UnipartyVotes with RINOs Against ConservativesVotes against NDAA & FISVotes against Conservative Republicans and District 7 InterestsVotes to Target Government EmployeesVotes against EnvironmentCosponsored 10 Bills with Radical Democrats in 2023See more on Mills' voting record here
MILL'S VOTING RECORDVotes against National SecurityVotes with DemocratsVotes with UnipartyVotes with RINOs Against ConservativesVotes against NDAA & FISVotes against Conservative Republicans and District 7 InterestsVotes to Target Government EmployeesVotes against EnvironmentCosponsored 10 Bills with Radical Democrats in 2023See more on Mills' voting record here
Green Beret Chronicles Podcast: 1000$ GUaRANTEED if you can prove Congressman MILLs isn’t full of SH!T
Mills Lies on State Dept Application: Falsely Claims He Was an Army Sniper in the 75th Ranger Regiment