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  • Mill's has a RINO Voting Record. Mills voted with democrats over 120 times & cosponsored 10 Bills with 8 Radical Democrats in 2023. He bragged about voting with democrats at the SCREC Meeting in 2023. See his voting record here.

  • Mills voted against Protecting Our Border. H.R. 7217 February 2024 and against FISA. Translation: Mills voted against National Security and our nation's protection against terrorism on our soil and internationally.

  • Mills voted against the NDAA in 2023.​ Translation: Mills voted against military pay, raises, family housing, quality of life on military bases, etc.

  • In 2023, Mills also voted

    • AGAINST amendments in 2023 that stopped aid to terrorist countries

    • AGAINST tracking jihadists crossing our borders

    • AGAINST stopping aid to foreign countries for “national emergencies” from ‘03, ’04, ‘11, etc. much of it to countries that HATE America & our values

    • AGAINST protecting our border

    • AGAINST protecting us from terrorism on our soil

    • FOR spending millions to support the rights of Muslims in China

  • Mills supports Islamists easy refugee status for Afghanis.

  • Mills accepted donations from radical democrats on the Full Sail board including Stephanie Murphy’s father-in-law. Mills is also  engaging in double reporting as well as failing to pay all his campaign workers. See details here


  • Mills’ own words regarding his military service:

    • “Served honorably and fought for our nation in Afghanistan and Iraq” 

    • “Hunted down terrorists to keep our shores and freedoms safe”

    • “Forged through combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq”

    • “I fought in the f-in wars. I don't want to fight any more f-in wars.”

    • "Decorated U.S. Combat Veteran"

    • “Fought terrorism most of his life” 

  • Mills was in the U.S. Army from 1999-2003. According to his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and his DD214 (army discharge papers) Mills was NOT engaged in combat.

    • Mills' Official Military Personnel File shows him as an ambulance aide/driver at Fort Bragg. His DD214 shows that his final specialty and time in that specialty was: 91W Healthcare Specialist: 0 Years, 0 Months. Ambulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless directly fired upon. 

  • Cory Mills lied on his DynCorp bio/application:

    • Falsely claimed that he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment

    • Falsely claimed that he went to US Army Sniper School

    • Falsely claimed that he went through many other trainings that are not reflected on his OMPF or DD214

  • 5 of Mills' awards have been redacted while the army conducts an official investigation into his records. See the documentation here. Many of Mill's medals were "participation medals" that everyone in the unit received, whether they saw combat or not. 

  • There is no record of SPECIAL FORCES or RECON SCOUT training in Mills’ OMPF or DD214.

  • If Mills was truly a wounded combat veteran while on active duty, there would be a Purple Heart shown in his military records. Mills states many times that he was blown up in 2006 / blown up while deployed; Mills left the army in 2003​, then went on to work for contractors and a foreign NGO.

    • See the truth about the March 15 and April 19 incidents in 2006 when Mills claims he was blown up twice / wounded while deployed here. ​

  • The great majority of Mills' time overseas was not spent fighting terrorists or deployed with the U.S. Army as he claims. The truth? Mills spent most of his time overseas 1) Working as a contract employee for DynCorp and 2) Working for Pax Mondial LTD (a British company that ultimately defrauded the government and was shut down) on an Australian aid project for Pakistan. Mills was fired from DynCorp for failure to produce his DD214. This is confirmed by multiple higher ups at DynCorp, who also state that Mills was dishonest about his experience and record. 


  • Cory Mills married Rana Alsaadi at the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque; this mosque has known terrorist ties including 9/11 and the Fort Hood & San Bernadino shootings. This mosque "has also been associated with encouraging fraudulent marriages." 

  • In several interviews, Mills claimed to have led and funded rescues in Israel, Afghanistan, and Haiti. Some of his more recent verbiage is that he collaborated with these other teams and parties, which is a more accurate representation of the events. He also claimed that his time in Haiti did not result in any missed votes when in fact he missed 7 votes during that time. 

    • See who really led and funded the rescue missions here, including the church group who had to pay $39,000 for re-routed flights while Mills bragged about footing the bill

  • There is no record of Mills having any diplomatic experience or foreign policy experience. He was laughed at by Tucker Carlson for his foreign policy predictions. 

  • Mills has had multiple tax liens against him for failure to pay his taxes and other bills.

  • Mills listed a residence in McLean, VA as his primary residence on loan documents in 2021. That same year, Mills claimed to be living in a 1000 sq. ft bungalow in Winter Park, FL with 8 other people while leaving his wife and child in another state. He then signed a year lease for a vacation rental in New Smyrna Beach, Florida then claimed that he purchased it; this rental is currently going for $14,000 per month for longterm, $16,000 for short-term. There was no water usage for half of 2023 at his vacation rental. See more details here. This is voter fraud.

Our Mission

Our mission as an America First Conservative media company is to do our due diligence and share evidence about politicians that don't align with their claims.

First up: Cory Mills, Congressman for District 7.

See the Evidence

Business, financial, military, marriage, voting, and other records tell a very different story about our congressman than his campaign, media appearances, and overall claims. 

Hear the Truth

Listen to the lies straight from our congressman's mouth, as well as how he really speaks to people. 


Cory Mills ran as an America First Conservative Republican. Once elected, he voted with Democrats 120+ times and cosponsored 10 bills with Radical Democrats in 2023.

Congressional District 7

District 7: Seminole and Volusia

“A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss. If bureaucrat makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you.” - Ayn Rand

Congressman Cory Mills

We are an America First Conservative Media Company committed to uncovering the truth so that voters can make informed decisions about who will best represent us at the local, state, and national levels. 

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