30 items found for ""
- Moral Character | Congress Watchdog FL
Moral Character Full Video Video Transcript The Real Cory Mills Mills' claims of being a heroic combat veteran, successful businessman, and America First republican, are at odds with his military, business, financial, voting, and other records. Is a man with multiple personal + business fines, liens, lawsuits, & plummeting sales really a "successful businessman?" Is a man who claims to have served 7 years fighting for our country in Iraq and 3 in Afghanistan but who shows 0 years, 0 months of foreign service on his military records really a "highly decorated combat veteran?" Is a man who screams and swears in response to being questioned about his lies really a stand up guy? How about a man who alleges his time overseas was in service of our country "fighting tyranny" when he was actually a civilian working for corrupt contractors and a foreign NGO doing security and USAID projects? Or a man who claims to have been blown up twice and describes being blown up as "a good experience?" How about a man who ran as an America First republican but who has cosponsored 10 bills with radical democrats? “Stand up to hypocrisy. If you don't, the hypocrites will teach. Stand up to ignorance, because if you don't, the ignorant will run free to spread ignorance like a disease. Stand up for truth. If you don't, then there is no truth to your existence. If you don't stand up for all that is right, then understand that you are part of the reason why there is so much wrong in the world.” - Suzy Kassem
- Evidence | Congress Watchdog FL
The information throughout this site is based on Cory Mills' Army Records, High School Records, LinkedIn Profiles, Campaign Statements, Federal Records, Clerk of the Court Records, FEC Filings, Travel Junkets, News Articles, Recordings, Literature, etc. Click the links below to see the evidence and details for each time period. 1980-1999: Early Beginnings Mills dropped out of Auburndale High School his senior year; the following year he enrolled in Lake Regions High School and graduated as a 5th year senior 1999-2003: Military Days: Stolen Valor Mills is not a combat veteran; he did not spend most of his life fighting for our country as he claims 2003-2005: College in Jacksonville The Start of Mills' Financial Issues 2005-2014: Alleged Military/Federal Agency Service; 1st Lien 2005-2009 - Claims to Have Been an Employee for DYN Corp; Lied on His DYN Corp Bio/Application 2009-2011 - Security Jobs and Online College in VA 2011-2014 - Working for Foreign NGO in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan June 8, 2014: Cory Mills was married to Rana Alsaadi at the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Virginia The Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque has known terrorist ties including 9/11, the Fort Hood shooting & the San Bernardino school shooting 2014-2021: Business and Financial Failings Plummeting Sales, High Risk Loans, Foreclosure & HOA Lawsuits, Income Tax Liens, and more 2021-2023: Dirty Campaign Residency and Voter Fraud; Suspicious Campaign Funds 2023-2024: Latest Updates Official Complaints Filed, Claiming Two States as Residency, Funeral Lie, and more Falsely Claiming Credit for Leading & Funding Rescues Voting Record: Voting with Democrats & RINOs Cosponsored Ten (10) Bills with (8) Radical Democrats Votes Against National Security Votes with Democrats, Uniparty, and RINOs Votes against Conservative Republicans and CD7 Interests Votes to Target Government Employees Votes against Environment Click to Open Timeline “What is morality, she asked. Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, and courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price.” - Ayn Rand
- Campaign Built on Lies | Congress Watchdog FL
Campaign Built on Lies Shady Campaign Funds - Foreign Loans and Double Reporting Waygar Capital Article - Cory Mills' Pacem Defense Liens (pages 8-13) “As of 2021, $641,500 of Mills’ campaign funding came through Mills’ personal loans.” Giving money to suspicious LLCs that don't exist and ones just created a few days before he paid them. Campaign Debt Owes $368,743 to his campaign vendors In debt to his own campaign 1.8 million dollars from his so-called personal loans Waygar Capital Article - Cory Mills' Pacem Defense Liens (pages 8-13) Stolen Valor Mills falsely claimed to be a decorated combat veteran with 7 years of service in Iraq, 2-3 years of service in Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Pakistan who fought terrorism for most of his life. He lumps his time in the army in with his contractor time, and greatly exaggerates his service. Mills was in the U.S. Army from 1999-2003. According to his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and his DD214 (army discharge papers) Mills was NOT engaged in combat. Mills' Official Military Personnel File shows him as an ambulance aide/driver at Fort Bragg. His DD214 shows that his final specialty and time in that specialty was: 91W Healthcare Specialist: 0 Years, 0 Months. Ambulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless directly fired upon. 5 of Mills' awards have been redacted while the army conducts an official investigation into his records. See the documentation here . Many of Mill's medals were "participation medals" that everyone in the unit receied, whether they saw combat or not. During his campaign, Mills claimed he was a Bronze Star recipient. If this was true, why were awards put in for Mills 20+ years after the fact for alleged actions that don’t match up with the accounts of multiple people involved as well as real time accounts documented in articles from 2003-2004? Note the recommendation was filled out on the April 2021 version of the form -- AFTER Mills had already started claiming he was a Bronze Star receipient. An FOIA request has been put in to obtain the un-redacted and complete document, including who signed off on the 2nd page and the date it was submitted. Visit the STOLEN VALOR page to see the documents and details. Many of the military photos used during Mills' campaign were public use photos from the DOD website & Wikipedia. Mills' Time Overseas as a Contractor 2005-2009 - Contract Employee for DYN Corporation Let go for failure to provide his DD214 On his DYN Corp bio/application (which was submitted to the state department), Mills falsely claimed: That he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment That he attended US Army Sniper School 2009-2011 - Security Jobs and Online College 2011-2014 - Working for Foreign NGO in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Business Failures High Risk Loans, Foreclosure & HOA Lawsuits, Income Tax Liens, Plummeting Sales, and more Virginia Resident Claimed to be living in a 1000 sq. ft bungalow in Winter Park, FL with 8 other people while leaving his wife and child in another state Leasing a vacation rental in New Smyrna Beach, Florida that he claimed to have purchased; this rental is currently going for $14,000 per month for longterm, $16,000 for short-term Mills used 1198 Windrock Dr., McLean, VA as his primary residence as shown on the loans on May 28, 2021. Alleged Afghanistan & Israel "Rescues" September 2021 – Mills claimed he was part of a rescue mission to Afghanistan with F-16s flying over his head Mills never set foot in Afghanistan; the woman was an Afghanistani refugee who took her children back to Afghanistan on a 30-day vacation to see her family October 11, 2023 - Mills began bragging about his alleged Israeli Ground Rescues / Flight to Jordan Falsely claimed his rescue flight was the last flight out of Tel Aviv and that there were no commercial flights Falsely claimed the Israel “rescues” were FREE for passengers; the Stonepoint Church group had to pay over $39,000 for rescheduled and rerouted flights to be "rescued" by Mills Countless other church groups made it back from Israel with government assistance on commercial and charter flights before and after Mills’ "rescues" Mills solicited donations from his fake “Rescue Story” then voted against helping Israel fight terrorists Alleged Foreign Policy Expert His employment history does not back his claims. See an example of his "foreign policy predictions" in the Tucker Carlson interview from January 21, 2020. The Iraqis were in fact NOT standing up to the Iranian government; the Iranians were running convoys through Iraq to Lebanon Hezbollah. Currently the Iraqi government just passed a resolution to kick the Americans out of Iraq because of their attacks on the Iranian militias. Mills also stated that Iraqis were going to storm the streets by the millions, he guaranteed it; his predictions did not come true. FALSE STATEMENTS MADE & PUBLISHED FROM 2021-PRESENT I. Early Life Post High School to Army II. Army Years July 1999 to August 2003 "In the MILITARY 5 years" "I was Special OPS" "I served 7 years in IRAQ" "I served 4 years in Afghanistan" "I fought in many wars" "I was a RECON SCOUT" "COMBAT VETERAN" Highly decorated Combat Veteran" "Leader on the Battlefield" I watched many kids being killed "I fought in Uniform" "I am anti war" I was a terrorism Analyst for over 10 years "I was deployed many times" "Iraq/Afghanistan Veteran" Veteran of Afghanistan III. After Leaving Army in August 2003 - NOTE: MILLS WAS NOT IN MILITARY AFTER AUGUST 2003 "I STARTED MY OWN COMPANY AS SOON AS I LEFT THE MILITARY" "I GOT BLOWN UP TWICE IN IRAQ IN 2006" "I served in many wars" "I SERVED 5 YRS MILITARY AND 5 YRS FOR THE GOVERNMENT" "THREE OF FIVE GUYS IN MY VEHICLE WERE TAKEN OUT" "I was fighting Tyranny in Iraq in 2006" "I Deployed several times and spent over 7 years in Iraq" "I WAS PERSONALLY TARGETED BY IRANIAN TERRORISTS IN 2006" "I WAS DEPLOYED MANY TIMES" "I RESCUED AMERICANS IN AFGHANISTAN" "THREE OF FIVE GUYS IN MY VEHICLE WERE TAKEN OUT" "I PAY MY TAXES WHENEVER OWED" "I was a Trump Advisor" "I made my money selling to 200 law enforcement agencies" "I OWNED MY OWN SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS" I HAVE EXPERIENCE IN FOREIGN POLICY I HIRED OVER 150 Employees "I LOST MY JOB WITH THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION" "I bought a house in New Smyrna" "I was a Trump Advisor" "I am a political advisor" "I pledged to donate 100 percent of my salary to a woman, child, or veteran charity in my district each quarter" "As a former Business owner" "Family had to pay $60,000 to bury their son in Arlington National Cemetry" "Being a Christian" "I moved to Florida" "I live in Florida part time spending 70 percent of my time in Florida" IV. Cory Mills Quotes in a 2023 Interview at a Political Hob Nob in Lake Mary, Florida (See Video) Was part of JSOC, CTJF20 I was a NCO in Kosovo What is qualification for a Airborne Non Commissioned Officer? 91B 2 pa pa Deployed twice. As a NCO to Kosvo and to Iraq as part of JSOC CTJF20 I went as the Deputy Secretary of Defense for Mideast. That was my role I worked for the Trump Administration I was on the football team and wrestling team Said he was a ju jitsu expert I was renting the house to him { in Winter Park) REFERRING TO HIS ROOMATE ON Wilma Ave I just bought a new house in New Smyrma I fought in many Wars. I don’t want to fight in any more wars I have been anti Ukraine the whole time . Bro My money came from over 200 law enforcement agencies I trained over 200 law enforcement agencies Made my money working hard over 20 years I went into the military after High School I graduated in 1998 In Army in 2004 I went back to Afghanistan in 2005 06, 07, 08, 09 and 2010 I was deployed I don’t even Fuckin get paid in this job. I am fuckin not taking a paycheck Because I f***in left (my million dollar home) after I lost my job with the Trump administration Home has been for sale for three years I'm in the Defense and Law Enforcement Business 90 percent of my work is all law enforcement 90 percent. 200 agencies of law enforcement I trained Paid taxes every time that taxes were owed by me 5 years 5 years with military My buddy Lee came back with a flag draped coffin working with the agency Called interviewer "Zero military and a Coward" Told voters that interviewer "He likes to talk but can't get into the military EVIDENCE THAT REFUTES MILLS' FALSE STATEMENTS I. Early Life Dropped out his senior year, then enrolled in another school the following year II. Army Years July 1999 to August 2003 Army Discharge ETC DD214 August 25, 2003 False - see Official Military Personnel File (OPF) & DD214 Lumps army + contractor time together and exaggerates service Lumps army + contractor time together and exaggerates service Army record and Employment record show max of 2 years Not reflected in Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214 Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214 show no combat Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214 show no combat Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214 show no combat Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214 show no combat Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214 show no combat Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214 show no combat Bought company to sell ammo No such employment or education provided Official Military Personnel File (OPF) & DD214 show no combat Per his OMPF & DD214 was never in Afghanistan while in the Army Per his OMPF & DD214 was never in Afghanistan while in the Army III. After Leaving Army in August 2003 LLC paperwork filed in 2014 See the truth here Official Military Personnel File (OPF) & DD214 show no combat Official Military Personnel File (OPF) & DD214 do not reflect this See the truth here See the truth about Mills' contractor time here Official Military Personnel File (OPF) & DD214 show no combat; lumps army + contractor time together No foreign service per DD214 Lumps army + contractor time together and exaggerates service Mills rode along on The Sentinel Foundation's rescue then rode up in a taxi and was able to get his photo taken with the family at an undisclosed location See the truth here Mills has /had five Federal IRS tax liens for not paying taxes Never was a Trump Advisor. Was designated to a DOD Advisory Board after election defeat; board never met. Mills name was put on an existing business in November 2018 Sales record and business debt say otherwise; business had huge debt, IRS tax liens, EPA fines, Mechanics Liens, OSHA fines, Lawsuits, etc .; see details here No evidence of this No evidence in Tax records of Mills hiring 150 plus employee Never had a job with the Trump Administration Rented a vacation rental that sat vacant for 6+ months of 2023 Was appointed in a bulk appointment with others to a Defense Business Board after election that that never met or sworn in Tucker laughed at him over his foreign policy predictions No evidence of any donations made in the district in 2023 Mills name was still on his LLC as of November 2023. Owes Debt, Owes Taxes, Owes Mechanics Lien Payment Family said that was not true. See Sacramento, CA news articles Mills and his wife were married in the Islamic Dar Al Hijrah Mosque in June 2014, Fairfax County, Virginia Public Records VA Records show he claimed Virginia Residency per Fairfax County Public records, Corp Records, Auto Registrations, Taxes, loans, etc. Virginia Records show he claimed Virginia Residency IV. Cory Mills Quotes in a 2023 Interview at a Political Hob Nob in Lake Mary, Florida (See Video) Not reflected in Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) & DD214; JSOC event was between 2-325 and the range battalion (special ops unit); TF 20 is Delta Force; Mills was in the 1-325 Mills was not an NCO in Kosovo. See Army HRC records Only for a medic prior to 2001 Mills was not an NCO in Kosovo; Mills was not in Co D 2-325 No record No record See pictures of AHS teams that don't include him Doesn't know shake and roll for Ju Jitsu See tax rolls. Agustin owned the house See property records. Its a vacation rental not his. See OMPF & DD214 . Medics and ambulance aides/drivers don't engage in combat See Mills LinkedIn account showing he claimed doing business there No record No record Had no money left after 2008 divorce. Apartment renter until 2016 Dropped out, then enrolled at a difference school the following year before entering the army Graduated a year late in 1999 OMPF & DD214 say 2003 OMPF & DD214 show no tour in Afghanistan; DYN Corp job contractor job started in 2005 Was back and forth to Jacksonville and he lived in DC in 2010 See records filed with Clerk of Congress Told media he lived in both Virginia mansion and Florida House was on and off the market. See Realtor MLS records No Defense business prior to 2018…. and only Depots and Federal Prison crowd control products For Prison and Crowd Contol No record of 200 trained agencies, see FPDS Had over 5 different specific IRS liens last 10 years In Army for only 4 years. See OMPF & DD214 In Army for only 4 years. See Records. Was not serving with Lee in an agency Interviewer is not a coward Lied about interviewer "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln
- 2005-2014: Time Overseas - The Truth | Congress Watchdog FL
2005-2014: The Truth About Mill's Time Overseas If Cory Mills didn't serve overseas as part of the United States Military and US government as he claims, what was he really doing in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan from 2005-2009 and 2011-2014? CLAIMS: Mills falsely claims he was deployed and served in Iraq for 7 years Mills falsely claims he was deployed and served in Afghanistan for 2 years and was awarded the bronze star for his actions; in some interviews and tweets this number changes to 2.5 years / 4 years Mills falsely claims he went on hundreds of Diplomatic Missions Mills falsely claims he fought against tyranny in Iraq Mills falsely claims he was a combat army veteran with many deployments Mills falsely claims he fought in wars Mills falsely claims he was a team leader for DynCorp On his DynCorp bio/application (which was submitted to the state department), Mills falsely claimed: That he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment That he attended US Army Sniper School That he went to many other trainings that are not reflected on his OMPF or DD214 FACTS: August 25, 2003 - According t o his DD214, Mills was discharged from the United States Army His DD214 shows 0 years, 0 months of combat while in the U.S. Army 2005-2009 - Mills was working for DynCorp, see below for details 2009-2011 - Mills worked security jobs in Virginia, D.C., and PA while attending college online 2011-2014 - Mills worked for a Foreign NGO in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; the company ultimately defrauded the government and was shut down Mills lumps his time and service as a contractor doing USAID projects, working for a foreign NGO on an Australian aid project, and military service together Mills was not in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment Mills did not attend US Army Sniper School Mills refused to provide his DD214 to back up his claims 2005-2011 - Alleged Military/Federal Agency Service April 2005-December 2009 - On his LinkedIn , Mills claims he was a DynCorp International Security Protective Specialist - Team Leader/DDM Cory Mills lied on his DynCorp bio/application , falsely claiming that he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment and that he went to US Army Sniper School. This document has been authenticated by several of Mills' superiors at DYN Corp. We are conducting additional FOIA requests to get more documentation related to this and his other false military-related claims. *In order to take the State Department Designated Defense Marksman course and be hired as a DDM for DYNCorp, Mills would have had to provide proof that he was either a military school trained sniper or that he had gone through police, SWAT, or other state approved agency to get approved. He also had to provide proof of medic training to be hired for that designation as well. Mills had no such training. He lied on his applications/bios. Specialized Training or Certification of Training: 02/1999 91W Combat Medical Course 06/1999 National Registry EMT-B 02/2000 75th Ranger Indoc 04/2000 NREMT-P 06/2000 Paramedic BTLS 08/2000 Advanced Trauma Life Support 04/2001 Advanced Cardiac Life Support 08/2001 Special Operations Medical (SOCM) Course He did not even enter the army until July 1999. How did he complete the Combat Medical Course and National Registry EMT-B before even entering the army? 91B Converted to 91W in October 2001 The 91W MOS required additional training and the maintenance of civilian EMT certification Successful EMT course completion became grad requirement for courses during 2000 Mills’ Official Military Personnel File shows no record of him attending Fort Sam Houston for these trainings. His DD214 shows: 0 years, 0 months as 91W Healthcare Specialist. His OMPF showed his last MOS as 91B. There is no record of Mills doing the SOCM Course. There is no record of Mills being at Fort Moore. There is no record of Mills being in the 75th Ranger Regiment. There is no record of Mills attending Army sniper school. Army combat medics (68W) who also have completed Army Basic Airborne Course and Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP) and become members of Ranger Battalions will attend SOCM. Mills lied about being in the 75th Ranger Regiment, lied about completing SOCM Course, lied about completing Combat Medical Course, lied about completing Army Sniper school. Multiple team leaders and higher ups at DynCorp have come forward stating that Mills was told to provide his DD214 or get out; his employment was ultimately terminated for failure to produce the requested records. They also say he was not a team leader or shift leader, and describe that Mills' claims of military experience and training did not match up with his records. Additionally, many of his colleagues reportedly did not want to ride with Mills due to his attitude and lack of work ethic. Regarding the incidents in 2006 when Mills claims he was blown up twice / wounded while deployed: Mills claims he was blown up twice in Iraq in 2006 while deployed; he left the army in 2003 and is very evasive when asked about this incident and his alleged injuries but described it as a "good experience." Mills left the army in 2003, then went on to work for contractors and a foreign NGO. If Mills was truly a wounded combat veteran while on active duty, there would be a Purple Heart shown in his military records. Per the State Department Official Records: "March 15, 2006 – Baghdad, Iraq: A U.S. Embassy motorcade was attacked by a roadside bomb, disabling one vehicle but causing no injuries." Multiple of Mills' DYN Corp colleagues and superiors confirm this. "April 19, 2006 - Baghdad, Iraq: Unknown individuals attacked a U.S. Embassy motorcade with an explosive device and small arms fire, injuring two U.S. Army personnel and two security contractors." Several of Mills' DynCorp colleagues and superiors say Mills was not in the vehicle that was hit. Mills bandaged the injured contractor Scott K. after the incident. Mills claims he was personally targeted by Iranian terrorists in Iraq in 2006; in another interview he claimed it was the Iranian government June 4, 2007 - Cory and Imelda Mills purchased a Townhouse in Jacksonville using 2 mortgages totaling $461,000 June 2, 2008 – Imelda filed for divorce. Cory Mills was ordered to pay an IRS lien of $13,000, $20,000 of credit card debts, and more; Mills was in Jacksonville to sign and file the divorce paper submittals; see details here NOTE: This is an unfolding story as we learn more about the situation and Mills' time overseas. 2009-2011 Security Jobs and Online College December 2009-May 2010 – Mills shows no employment; Mills finished his 4 year online degree in Health Services from AMU May-October 2010 – Mills claimed he worked in Norfolk, Virginia for 6 months for STS LLC as a Security Guard and anti-piracy advisor despite having no experience in maritime/anti-piracy operations November 2010-April 2011 - Mills claimed he worked in the D.C. Area for 7 months for Chemonics Intl as a Security Manager helping on Afghanistan and Pakistan aid projects; Mills had addresses in the DC area on Wisconsin Ave NW and Porter Street NW April-June 2011 - Mills claimed he worked in Pittsburg, PA for 2 months for BRTC as a Security Advisor and helped on a Jordanian project for a USAID contract Note: Mills was living in apartments in Washington, D.C. during this time period 2011-2014 - Working for Foreign NGO: Islamic Republic of Pakistan June-November 2011 - Mills went to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan while working for Pax Mondial LTD, a British company Pax Mondial LTD was a foreign company that ultimately defrauded the government and was shut down Mills worked on an Australian aid project for Pakistan November 2011 – Mills worked for Pax Mondial LTD at their small office that was set up on Fort Myer Dr. in Arlington, VA Mills worked on gathering information from news articles, etc. and providing reports on incidents and sending the information to foreign countries for the British NGO Mills addresses were rented apartments on Wisconsin Ave NW and Porter Street NW in Washington D.C October 2013 - Mills had another IRS lien released after not paying his taxes of over $10,000.00 Mills also had HOA fin es sent to his addresses in Washington DC Februar y 2014 - Mills rented an apartment on Clarendon Blvd, a block away from Pax Mondial’s office March 7, 2014 – Mills filed paperwork with the Virginia Department of State Corporation Commissions to start an LLC out of his residential apartment in Arlington, Virginia; Mills was listed as the only member of the LLC May 2014 - Cory Mills moved to Gwynneth Square, Chantilly, VA to live with Rana Alsa adi and her son at her townhouse. LIES Previous: Chapter: Jacksonville Next Chapter: Married in a Mosque “The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful and virtuous.” - Frederick Douglass
- 1999-2003: Military Days - Stolen Valor | Congress Watchdog FL
1999-2003: Military Days - A Case of Stolen Valor How Cory Mills Describes His Military Service: "Decorated U.S. Combat Veteran" "US Army 75th Ranger Regiment" “Hunted down terrorists to keep our shores and freedoms safe” “Forged through combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq” “Served honorably and fought for our nation in Afghanistan and Iraq” “Fought terrorism most of his life” “I have seen and felt the cost of war.” “Served in the Kosovo Campaign in 2000” “Served 7 years in Iraq and nearly 2 years in Afghanistan” “Served 7 years in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Pakistan” “7 years in Iraq, almost 3 yrs Afghanistan, and was blown up twice” “I fought in the f-in wars. I don't want to fight any more f-in wars.” “Spent 7 years in Iraq, 2 yrs in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Pakistan, Somalia, Ukraine. Please let me know how much service you have given in uniform?” "Wounded twice while deployed" "Blown up twice in 2006" "Served as a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) operating on a long range reconnaissance and surveillance scout recon team in Operations Joint Guardian as part of Task Force Falcon (Kosovo) in 2000, and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) 2003 as attachment member of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)" These are his own words from tweets, campaign materials, and recorded interviews. THE TRUTH ABOUT MILLS' MILITARY & OVERSEAS HISTORY The great majority of Mills' time overseas was not spent fighting terrorists or deployed with the Army as he claims. Mills lumps his time and service as a contractor doing USAID projects, working for a foreign NGO on an Australian aid project for Pakistan, and military service together, claiming he has been fighting terrorism for most of his life. Mills is committing Stolen Valor. Green Beret Chronicles Podcast: 1000$ GUaRANTEED if you can prove Congressman MILLs isn’t full of SH!T Mills was in the U.S. Army from 1999-2003. According to his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and his DD214 (army discharge papers) Mills was NOT engaged in combat . Mills' Official Military Personnel File shows him as an ambulance aide/driver at Fort Bragg. His DD214 shows that his final specialty and time in that specialty was: 91W Healthcare Specialist: 0 Years, 0 Months The 91W MOS required additional training and the maintenance of civilian EMT certification Successful EMT course completion became grad requirement for courses during 2000 Mills’ Official Military Personnel File shows no record of him attending Fort Sam Houston for these trainings. His DD214 shows: 0 years, 0 months as 91W Healthcare Specialist. His OMPF showed his last MOS as 91B. Ambulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless directly fired upon. There is no record of SPECIAL FORCES or RECON SCOUT training on Mills’ OMPF or DD214. There is no record of Mills doing the SOCM Course, attending Army sniper school, or being in the 75th Ranger Regiment as his DynCorp Bio/Application claimed. Cory Mills went to Kosovo with the 1-325 in 2001 on a peace-keeping mission after the war and combat were over. The Kosovo War was over when Mills entered the army; the combat was over June 11, 1999. As of April 23, 2024, 5 of Mills' awards were redacted while the army conducts an official investigation into his records. See the documentation here . Many of Mill's medals were "participation medals" that everyone in the unit received, whether they saw combat or not. Mills has removed "Bronze Star" from several of his online bios, as well as removed some of his military claims. See the changes on his official gov site: August 2023 vs June 2024. Mills recently provided a Recommendation for Bronze Star which was submitted between April 2021 and July 2024; we are awaiting the un-redacted version. Why are awards being put in for Mills 20+ years after the fact for alleged actions that don’t match up with the accounts of multiple people involved as well as real time accounts documented in articles from 2003-2004? See below for details related to this recommendation. Regarding the incidents in 2006 when Mills claims he was blown up twice / wounded while deployed: Mills left the army in 2003, then went on to work for contractors and a foreign NGO. If Mills was truly a wounded combat veteran while on active duty, there would be a Purple Heart shown in his military records. Per the State Department Official Records: "March 15, 2006 – Baghdad, Iraq: A U.S. Embassy motorcade was attacked by a roadside bomb, disabling one vehicle but causing no injuries. " Multiple of Mills' DYN Corp colleagues and superiors confirm this. "April 19, 2006 - Baghdad, Iraq: Unknown individuals attacked a U.S. Embassy motorcade with an explosive device and small arms fire, injuring two U.S. Army personnel and two security contractors." Several of Mills' DynCorp colleagues and superiors say Mills was not in the vehicle that was hit. Mills bandaged the injured contractor S. Kimkins after the incident. Mills claimed he was a member of JSOC Task Force 20 with the 82nd Airborne - this is false. The JSOC event was between the 2nd battalion of the 325 (2-325) and the range battalion (special ops unit); TF 20 is Delta Force. Mills was not a part of Delta Force Mills was not a part of the 2nd battalion (he was in the 1-325) Mills' claim is not reflected in his Official Military Personnel File or his DD214 From 2005-2009 Mills worked for DynCorp. Multiple unnamed sources, including higher ups at DynCorp who were in Iraq and at the same compounds at the same time as Mills, have come forward stating that Mills was not blown up as he claims , and that Mills was told to provide his DD214 or get out; his employment was ultimately terminated for failure to product requested records. On his DynCorp bio/application (which was submitted to the state department), Mills: Falsely claimed that he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment Falsely claimed that he attended US Army Sniper School Falsely claimed that he went through many other trainings that are not reflected on his OMPF or DD214, some prior to him even entering the army Recommendation Mills shared a few documents in rebuttal of the questions being asked about his military service, including: July 22, 2024 Alleged Recommendation for Award (document above): A reporter was given a picture of one page of a marked up recommendation for a Bronze Medal. An official request has been made for a non-redacted and complete version of this recommendation if it exists. An FOIA request into Mills' awards was also made. Things to note about the recommendation: The date is covered up; based on the form version being April 2021, this was filled out sometime in the past few months -- 20+ years after Mills left the army. Why are awards being put in for Mills 20+ years after the fact for alleged actions that don’t match up with the accounts of multiple people involved as well as real time accounts documented in articles from 03-04? The back page with all of the signatures was not provided. This recommendation form is not proof that Mills received the Bronze Star. If he was really awarded a Bronze Star 20 years ago, why did he never provide the citation for it? Cory Mills was an Ambulance Aide/Driver for the 1-325 HHC. Ambulance drivers/aides and medics do not engage in combat unless fired upon. Per the recent article written by Mark Harper in the Daytona Beach News-Journal, Retired General Confirms: “To be clear, I am not validating any of the specifics.” Achievement #2 on the alleged Bronze Star recommendation is refuted by multiple members of the 1-325. News articles from the time also detail the events of that incident. The Washington Post article The Wounds of War by Monte Reel describes Alan Babin of the 1-325 2nd brigade as being the 3rd platoon’s only medic. This is confirmed by multiple platoon members. Lt. Powell assisted. Fort Worth Star-Telegram article Alan’s Angels describes Staff Sgt. Jesse Walker as running to Alan, starting an IV, dressing his wounds, and administering drugs to stop the bleeding. This too is confirmed by multiple platoon members, as was 1-325 2nd Brigade Weapon’s Squad Leader August Berndt’s involvement. This article also mentions Sgt. Steven Dukes being near Alan Babin following the incident. Multiple members of the 1-325 describe Alan Babin being taken to the aid station where he was treated by medics from the 2-325 White Falcons. Henry “Hank” Barbe of the 3-325 arrived on a Blackhawk and took over Babin’s care until they reached Talil Air Base 25 miles away. Mills is not mentioned in any articles published at the time. Those involved say "Mills was not at the point of injury" and "did not run through fire;" Walker and Berndt treated Babin on scene. Berndt treated Heit on scene. Summary of incident as shared by multiple members of the 1-325: Pfc. Joe Heit was near Sgt. Augest Berndt when he was shot. After the gunfire stopped, Berndt rolled Heit over and yelled “doc.” Pfc. Alan Babin got up, started towards Heit, then turned around and ran back to grab his aid bag. As he turned to grab his bag, Babin was shot. Berndt treated Heit with a Barton's bandage then ran to where Babin was. Staff Sgt. Jesse Walker had arrived moments earlier, so Berndt assisted Walker in the treatment of Babin. They called for evac, once the humvey arrived Walker and Berndt helped Babin into the vehicle. Babin was then treated by 2-325 Aid Station until Hank Barbe arrived via helicopter carrying medics who were stationed at an air base a 25-minute flight away. Sgt. 1st Class Chris Painter (Platoon Sergeant) 1-325 Aco 3rd Platoon Sgt. Augest Berndt: 1-325 Aco 3rd Platoon, Weapons Squad Leader Staff Sgt. Jesse Walker: 1-325 Aco, 3rd Platoon, Team Leader Pfc. Alan Babin: 1-325 HHC, Only Medic Attached to Aco 3rd Platoon Pfc. Joe Heit: 1-325 Aco, 3rd Platoon Aid Station: 2-325 HHC If Babin was the only medic attached to the 3rd platoon and Heit was the CLS, Walker treated Babin in the field, the 2-325 treated Babin at the aid station, and Barbe and the 3-325 medics treated him on the Blackhawk, where does Mills’ version of events fit in? Out of the 4 involved that we have interviewed so far, 3 don’t remember Mills at all, and one vaguely remembers him but not from saving the lives of Babin and Heit. This is an unfolding story as we await an FOIA request for the unredacted and complete DA Form 638 (Apr 2021 version) that Mills gave to the media. Mills also shared the following documents: July 11, 2024 Memo: This is not a standard document for Army medals - citations and permanent orders with verifiable dates and records are. A warrant officer was contacted to put this memo together. The reason that it was done is currently being investigated by the Army. A Certificate of Appreciation signed by Zalmay Khalilizad dated April 19, 2006. Mills was no longer in the army at this time, he was working for DYN Corp. Multiple higher ups at DYN Corp have informed us that roughly 30 people received this certificate. Additionally, Zalmary was the negotiator involved in handing Afghanistan over to the Taliban. Scroll up to see details about the incidents. NATO Medal for Service with NATO on Operations in Relation to Kosovo During the Period 20 January 2001 to 11 June 2001. The Kosovo War was over when Mills joined the army; combat was over June 11, 1999. The 82nd Airborne was sent to Kosovo for a peace-keeping mission from January-June 2001. A Permanent Order for Combat Medical Badge, largely redacted. There is no date on the order. We have made an official request for a non-redacted version of this order and are awaiting a response. Mills has yet to produce any official military records that match his claims of fighting in wars, fighting terrorism for most of his life , fighting for our nation in Iraq and Afghanistan , and many of his other claims. Mills' military records were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Mills' DD214 and OMPF contradict his claims. If Mills has a problem with his DD214, he can submit a DD215 to the Army Board for the Correction of Military Records (BCMR) . We stand behind the evidence so much that we are offering a $1,000 REWARD for proof that any official document on our website is fake. Offer valid for 1st person who submits proof here . THIS IS AN UNFOLDING STORY, IT IS UPDATED PERIODICALLY AS WE GAIN NEW INFORMATION AND AS PEOPLE CONTINUE TO COME FORWARD. SIGN-UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER TO BE THE FIRST TO KNOW ABOUT UPDATES. Cory Mills' Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) You can obtain the same documentation straight from the source through the FOIA. DD14 Cory Mills' DD214 End Time Service Discharge Papers If you would like to see the DD214 of an an actual decorated combat veteran with foreign service, click here . We obtained Mills' military records through the Freedom of Information Act. Mills' DD214 and OMPF contradict his claims. If Mills has a problem with his DD214, he can submit a DD215 to the Army Board for the Correction of Military Records (BCMR) . We stand behind the evidence so much that we are offering a $1,000 REWARD for proof that any official document on our website is fake. Offer valid for 1st person who submits proof here . STEALING VALOR DISHONORS REAL COMBAT VETS The Truth About Cory Mills' Time in the Military Mills' Official Military Personnel File shows him as an ambulance aide/driver at Fort Bragg. His DD214 shows that his final specialty and time in that specialty was: 91W Healthcare Specialist: 0 Years, 0 Months. A mbulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless fired upon personally. Many of Mills’ medals are “participation medals” - i.e., they were for being in the military and/or for being part of a unit who saw combat even though he himself did not engage in combat. The Department of the Army HRC and associated offices have noted that there is inaccurate information concerning Mills' awards; as of April 23, 2024, they were conducting an investigation to resolve this issue. One of the photos Mills used on his campaign literature was an Army archive picture; no one in the photo knows Mills and Mills WAS NOT in the Battalion shown in the picture. He also used other military photos that were not his. 1999-2003 - Military Days July 15, 1999 - Cory Mills joined the Army as an E-1 Private and went to basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri; he enlisted to be a medic Mills used his Grandparents address at 505 Tanglewood Dr, Auburndale, FL January 2000 - Cory Mills was assigned to Ft. Benning in Georgia for jump school January 14, 2000 - Per his OMPF, Mills was assigned to the HHC company at Fort Bragg of the 1st Battalion of the 325th Regimen as an ambulance aide/driver 91B Converted to 91W in October 2001. The 91W MOS required additional training and the maintenance of civilian EMT certification. Successful EMT course completion became grad requirement for courses during 2000. Mills’ Official Military Personnel File shows no record of him attending Fort Sam Houston for these trainings. His DD214 shows: 0 years, 0 months as 91W Healthcare Specialist. His OMPF showed his last MOS as 91B. January 18, 2001 - Mills went to Kosovo with the 1-325 f or a peace keeping exercise (6 months, ended in June 2001) The Kosovo War was over when Mills entered the army; the combat was over June 11, 1999 February 14, 2003 - Cory Mills' Unit, 1-325 of the 82nd Airborne, arrived in Kuwait March 19, 2003 - The war in Iraq, referred to as Operation Iraqi Freedom, or OIF-1, began. Part of the 82nd Airborne entered OIF-1 on March 30, 2003. Members of his unit say he was in the rear, working at the HHC aid station. Mills' DD 214 shows no combat in this war; ambulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless directly fired upon. Per his DD214, Mills' Separation Date was 08/25/2003. Per his Official Military Personnel File, Mills's Expiration Term of Service date (date in which he was released from active duty service) was 11/30/2003. Mills was not serving in Iraq for the U.S. Army for 7 years Mills was not serving in Afghanistan the U.S. Army for 2-3 years Mills was not serving overseas for the U.S. Army fighting tyranny for most of his life Mills claimed he was a Reconnaissance Scout and fought on many battlefields; this is not reflected in his Official Military Personnel File or his DD214 Mills claimed he was on Task Force 20 with the 82nd Airborne but the unit Mills was assigned to was not deployed for Task Force 20; his claim is also not reflected in his Official Military Personnel File or his DD214 Mills lied about being in the 75th Ranger Regiment, lied about completing SOCM Course, lied about completing Combat Medical Course, lied about completing Army Sniper school. Mills is not a decorated combat veteran Most of Mills' 5-6 years overseas were not in with the US Army; he worked for contractors & foreign NGOs. Learn more here . THIS IS AN UNFOLDING STORY. SIGN-UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER TO BE THE FIRST TO KNOW ABOUT UPDATES. Previous Chapter: Early Life Next Chapter: Jacksonville "Stolen Valor: Stealing honor from the blood and sweat of HEROES -- and we will not tolerate it." - Unknown
- Congress Watchdog LLC | A Media Company
Campaign Built on Lies Residency + Voter Fraud & Dirty Campaign A Case of Stolen Valor The Truth About His Time Overseas Business & Financials: A Trail of Lies & Liens Married in a Mosque with Terrorist Ties Voting with Democrats #RINOAlert Anti-Military & Anti -FISA Voting MILL'S RINO VOTING RECORD Votes against National Security Votes with Democrats Votes with Uniparty Votes with RINOs Against Conservatives Votes against NDAA & FIS Votes against Conservative Republicans and District 7 Interests Votes to Target Government Employees Votes against Environment Cosponsored 10 Bills with Radical Democrats in 2023 See Mills' Voting Record THE REAL CORY MILLS VOTING RECORD & CAMPAIGN FUNDS Mill's has a RINO Voting Record . Mills voted with democrats over 120 times & cosponsored 10 Bills with 8 Radical Democrats in 2023. He bragged about voting with democrats at the SCREC Meeting in 2023. See his voting record here . Mills voted against Protecting Our Border. H.R. 7217 February 2024 and against FISA. Translation: Mills voted against National Security and our nation's protection against terrorism on our soil and internationally. Mills voted against the NDAA in 2023 . Translation: Mills voted against military pay, raises, family housing, quality of life on military bases, etc. In 2023, Mills also voted : AGAINST amendments in 2023 that stopped aid to terrorist countries AGAINST tracking jihadists crossing our borders AGAINST stopping aid to foreign countries for “national emergencies” from ‘03, ’04, ‘11, etc. much of it to countries that HATE America & our values AGAINST protecting our border AGAINST protecting us from terrorism on our soil FOR spending millions to support the rights of Muslims in China Mills supports Islamists easy refugee status for Afghanis. Mills accepted donations from radical democrats on the Full Sail board including Stephanie Murphy’s father-in-law. Mills is also engaging in double reporting as well as failing to pay all his campaign workers. See details here . STOLEN VALOR Mills’ own words regarding his military service: “Served honorably and fought for our nation in Afghanistan and Iraq” “Hunted down terrorists to keep our shores and freedoms safe” “Forged through combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq” “I fought in the f-in wars. I don't want to fight any more f-in wars.” "Decorated U.S. Combat Veteran" “Fought terrorism most of his life” Mills was in the U.S. Army from 1999-2003. According to his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and his DD214 (army discharge papers) Mills was NOT engaged in combat. Mills' Official Military Personnel File shows him as an ambulance aide/driver at Fort Bragg. His DD214 shows that his final specialty and time in that specialty was: 91W Healthcare Specialist: 0 Years, 0 Months. Ambulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless directly fired upon. Cory Mills lied on his DynCorp bio/application : Falsely claimed that he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment Falsely claimed that he went to US Army Sniper School Falsely claimed that he went through many other trainings that are not reflected on his OMPF or DD214 5 of Mills' awards have been redacted while the army conducts an official investigation into his records. See the documentation here . Many of Mill's medals were "participation medals" that everyone in the unit received, whether they saw combat or not. Mills removed "Bronze Star" from several of his online bios, as well as removed some of his military claims. See the changes on his official gov site: August 2023 vs June 2024 Why are awards being put in for Mills 20+ years after the fact for alleged actions that don’t match up with the accounts of multiple people involved as well as real time accounts documented in articles from 2003-2004? There is no record of SPECIAL FORCES or RECON SCOUT training in Mills’ OMPF or DD214. If Mills was truly a wounded combat veteran while on active duty, there would be a Purple Heart shown in his military records. Mills states many times that he was blown up in 2006 / blown up while deployed; Mills left the army in 2003, then went on to work for contractors and a foreign NGO. See the truth about the March 15 and April 19 incidents in 2006 when Mills claims he was blown up twice / wounded while deployed here . The great majority of Mills' time overseas was not spent fighting terrorists or deployed with the U.S. Army as he claims. The truth? Mills spent most of his time overseas 1) Working as a contract employee for DynCorp and 2) Working for Pax Mondial LTD (a British company that ultimately defrauded the government and was shut down) on an Australian aid project for Pakistan. Mills was fired from DynCorp for failure to produce his DD214. This is confirmed by multiple higher ups at DynCorp , who also state that Mills was dishonest about his experience and record. AND MORE Cory Mills married Rana Alsaadi at the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque; this mosque has known terrorist ties including 9/11 and the Fort Hood & San Bernadino shootings. This mosque "has also been associated with encouraging fraudulent marriages." In several interviews, Mills claimed to have led and funded rescues in Israel, Afghanistan, and Haiti. Some of his more recent verbiage is that he collaborated with these other teams and parties, which is a more accurate representation of the events. He also claimed that his time in Haiti did not result in any missed votes when in fact he missed 7 votes during that time. See who really led and funded the rescue missions here , including the church group who had to pay $39,000 for re-routed flights while Mills bragged about footing the bill . There is no record of Mills having any diplomatic experience or foreign policy experience. He was laughed at by Tucker Carlson for his foreign policy predictions. Mills has had multiple tax liens against him for failure to pay his taxes and other bills. Mills listed a residence in McLean, VA as his primary residence on loan documents in 2021. That same year, Mills claimed to be living in a 1000 sq. ft bungalow in Winter Park, FL with 8 other people while leaving his wife and child in another state. He then signed a year lease for a vacation rental in New Smyrna Beach, Florida then claimed that he purchased it; this rental is currently going for $14,000 per month for longterm, $16,000 for short-term. There was no water usage for half of 2023 at his vacation rental. See more details here . This is voter fraud. Our Mission Our mission as an America First Conservative media company is to do our due diligence and share evidence about politicians that don't align with their claims. First up: Cory Mills, Congressman for District 7. See the Evidence Business, financial, military, marriage, voting, and other records tell a very different story about our congressman than his campaign, media appearances, and overall claims. Hear the Truth Listen to the lies straight from our congressman's mouth, as well as how he really speaks to people. Cory Mills ran as an America First Conservative Republican. Once elected, he voted with Democrats 120+ times and cosponsored 10 bills with Radical Democrats in 2023. See the Evidence Latest Updates Congressional District 7 Latest News Green Beret Chronicles Podcast: 1000$ GUaRANTEED if you can prove Congressman MILLs isn’t full of SH!T Mills Lies on State Dept Application: Falsely Claims He Was an Army Sniper in the 75th Ranger Regiment Mills' Alleged Recommendation for Bronze Star Award $1,000 Reward* Cory Mills STOLEN VALOR: The Proof is In Cory Mills' Top 10 Lies “A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss. If bureaucrat makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you.” - Ayn Rand
- FEC Filings | Congress Watchdog FL
Current Federal Election Commission (FEC) Filings Mills’ Reporting of Receipts & Expenditures for His 2022 + 2024 Campaigns 2023 Campaign Travel Expenses Mills Spent $93,100.91 on Luxury Travel Analysis for 2022 Campaign FEC Reporting Mills Campaign owes $385,212.50 to campaign vendors as of 30 December 2022. See Federal Elections Committee Reporting here . Source: FEC FEC Analysis of Receipts and Expenditures 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter R eceipts & Expenditures Pages 74 thru 87 of the report show the loan amounts he "loaned' to his campaign totaling $1,898,900. Scroll down to see entire report or download here . Mills Victory Fund People who have allegedly given to his campaign and to his Victory Fund Committee Debts Owed X Strategies LLC Annual Report 2023 Articles of Organization KGT Global Consulting LLC Annual Report 2023 Articles of Organization Change of Registered Agent “If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Cosponsored Bills w/ Radical Democrats | Congress Watchdog FL
Mills Cosponsored Ten (10) Bills with Radical Democrats in 2023 BILL H.R.6242 — 118th Congress (2023-2024) VOTES Act of 2023 Sponsor: Frost, Maxwell [Rep.-D-FL-10] (Introduced 11/06/2023) Cosponsors: (1 )Committees: House - House Administration Latest Action: House - 11/06/2023 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced BILL H.R.6187 — 118th Congress (2023-2024) Defense Spending Oversight Act of 2024 Sponsor: Frost, Maxwell [Rep.-D-FL-10] (Introduced 11/02/2023) Cosponsors: (1 )Committees: House - Armed Services Latest Action: House - 11/02/2023 Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced BILL H.R.6116 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 14280 South Military Trail in Delray Beach, Florida, as the "Benjamin Berell Ferencz Post Office Building". Sponsor: Frankel, Lois [Rep.-D-FL-22] (Introduced 10/30/2023) Cosponsors: (23 )Committees: House - Oversight and Accountability Latest Action: House - 10/30/2023 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced BILL H.R.3269 — 118th Congress (2023-2024) Law Enforcement Innovate to De-Escalate Act Sponsor: Stanton, Greg [Rep.-D-AZ-4] (Introduced 05/11/2023) Cosponsors: (40 ) Committees: House - Ways and Means; Judiciary Latest Action: House - 05/11/2023 Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced BILL H.R.3251 — 118th Congress (2023-2024) Equality in the Halls of Congress Act Sponsor: Moylan, James C. [Del.-R-GU-At Large] (Introduced 05/11/2023) Cosponsors: (17 ) Committees: House - House Administration Latest Action: House - 09/12/2023 Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced BILL H.R.3177 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1900 West Oakland Park Boulevard in Oakland Park, Florida, as the "Alcee Lamar Hastings Post Office Building". Sponsor: Cherfilus -McCormick, Sheila [Rep.-D-FL-20] (Introduced 05/10/2023) Cosponsors: (18 ) Committees: House - Oversight and Accountability Latest Action: House - 05/10/2023 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced. BILL H.R.3008 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)Drug Shortage Prevention Act of 2023Sponsor: Jacobs, Sara [Rep.-D-CA-51] (Introduced 04/28/2023) Cosponsors: (45 ) Committees: House - Energy and Commerce Latest Action: House - 05/05/2023 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced BILL H.R.2918 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)Fair Housing for Survivors Act of 2023 Sponsor: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [Rep.-D-FL-25] (Introduced 04/26/2023) Cosponsors: (61 ) Committees: House - JudiciaryLatest Action: House - 04/26/2023 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced LAW H.R.1096 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)250th Anniversary of the United States Marine Corps Commemorative Coin Act Sponsor: Moulton, Seth [Rep.-D-MA-6] (Introduced 02/17/2023) Cosponsors: (301 ) Committees: House - Financial Services Latest Action: 07/26/2023 Became Public Law No: 118-10 . (PDF ) (All Actions ) Tracker: This bill has the status Became Law BILL H.R.901 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)Disposable ENDS Product Enforcement Act of 2023 Sponsor: Cherfilus -McCormick, Sheila [Rep.-D-FL-20] (Introduced 02/09/2023) Cosponsors: (21 ) Committees: House - Energy and Commerce Latest Action: House - 02/17/2023 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. Tracker: This bill has the status Introduced “Good governance with good intentions is the hallmark of our government. Implementation with integrity is our core passion.” - Narendra Modi
- Clerk of Congress | Congress Watchdog FL
Clerk of Congress Mills’ Reporting of Receipts & Expenditures for His 2022 + 2024 Campaign Financial Disclosures May 7, 2021 January 9, 2023 May 12, 2023 F inancial Reports Congressional Financial Disclosures Issues Files Reports Late FEC Campaign Spending Campaign Spending Investigations Gift Travel Filings "A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation." - James Freeman Clarke
- Rescues: Afghanistan, Israel, Haiti | Congress Watchdog FL
Rescues: Afghanistan, Israel & Iraq In multiple interviews (see clips in videos below), Mills claims he LED and FUNDED multiple rescues. While he participated in some rescues and in some ride-alongs, other groups and persons were responsible for LEADING and/or FUNDING them as detailed below. August-September 2021 - Afghanistan Rescue The Sentinel Foundation, Inc. out of Charlotte, NC arranged for the flight to try to rescue Mariam Mohammed Rahaim; when the flight was unsuccessful, the team then had to reposition themselves to countries north of Afghanistan and then reconnected with the family and convinced the Taliban guards to let the family cross the border bridge The U.S. Embassy then assisted the family with their emergency visas to get our of Afghanistan and fly to Qatar Mills says that he lost contact with Mariam Mohammed Rahaim after the bombing of 13 American soldiers Mills also says that he lost contact with his team Mills rode up in a taxi and was able to get his photo taken with the family at an undisclosed location Mills claims the family he rescued was born and raised in Texas; the woman was an Afghani refugee who took her children back to Afghanistan on a 30-day vacation to see her family September 8, 2021 - Mills created Never Forgotten, Inc. which is linked to his PACEM Solution International LLC in Falls Church, VA January 31,2 023 - Never Forgotten, Inc. was pending inactive October 12, 2023 - Never Forgotten, Inc reinstated November 14, 2023 - United States Department of State released documents relating to requests for assistance to extract Mariam Rahim from Afghanistan in 2021. Who Really LED & FUNDED the Afghanistan Rescues? THE SENTINEL FOUNDATION Donate to Stonepoint Church October 2023 - Israel Rescue October 1 1, 2023 - Mills began bragging about his alleged Israeli Ground Rescue s / Flight to Jordan Claimed the “rescues” were FREE for passengers; the Stonepoint Church group had to pay over $39,000 for rescheduled and rerouted flights to be "rescued" by Mills Stonepoint Church is seeking donations for the exorbitant cost of their "rescue" - donate here Mills claimed the state department and other U.S. agencies didn’t offer support; the U.S. Embassy in Ammon got the Stonepoint Church group emergency visas to cross the borde Mills claimed his rescue flight was the last flight out of Tel Aviv and that there were no commercial flights; there were many commercial flights that day and in the days to follow Mills claimed he was going to go back for more rescues; as of February 2024 this has not happened Mills claimed he went to numerous cities to find and rescue people; for the second in-person "rescue" Mills met the church group at their hotel and rode the tour bus to the border with them, just like hundreds of thousands of other tours did the days before and after Countless other church groups made it back from Israel with government assistance on commercial and charter flights before and after Mills’ "rescues" Mills solicited donations from his fake “Rescue Story” then voted AGAINST helping Israel fight Ter rorists October 12, 2023 - The day after returning home from Jordan (for his alleged Israel rescue), Mills updated Never Forgotten, Inc. under PACEM Solution International LLC in Falls Church, VA 2024 - Mills continues bragging that he's led and funded multiple rescues in Afghanistan, Israel, and Haiti. Who Really LED & FUNDED the Israel Rescues? Round 1 & 2: Individuals Paid for their OWN Flights Back Round 3: Glenn Beck / Mercury One Charter March 12, 2024 - Haiti Rescue Mills alleges his rescues are conducted by a “private operation” and “funded by” him. If that's true, why did he have to call around to find someone to take him to Haiti? Who Really LED & FUNDED the Haiti Rescues? See full story: TROPIC AIR TONY'S RESCUE Tony Marinello of Tropic Air Rescue stepped up to the plate. He conducted and paid for the rescue Mills rode along on, and then made additional rescues after Mills returned to Washington D.C. Contact Tony at Tropic Air Rescue if you’d like to donate to help with Tony's continuing rescue efforts. In an interview with Laura Loomer, Mills claimed to not have missed any votes during his alleged Haiti Rescue. Fact: Mills missed 7 votes during his Haiti ride along. Mills goes along for the ride, then claims to have led and paid for the rescues, while missing crucial votes and soliciting donations through his own VA-based LLC. Donate to Tropic Air Rescue The Afghanistan, Israel, and Haiti rescue stories are still unfolding as new information comes to light. Check back for updates or sign-up for our newsletter below to be the first to know! Previous Chapter: Currently Unfolding "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln
- Contact | Congress Watchdog FL
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- 1980-1999: Early Life | Congress Watchdog FL
1980-1999: Mills' Early Life Early Beginnings July 13, 1980 - Cory Lee Mills born near Tampa, Florida to Christopher Lee Mills and Teresa Gail Pearson January 9, 1981 - Christopher Lee Mills and Teresa Gail Pearson divorced June 9, 1990 - Teresa Gail Pearson got remarried to Sean Austin Bennett when Cory Mills was 10 years old 1994-1996 - In some interviews and campaign materials, Mills claimed his grandparents adopted him; court records show they were granted temporary guardianship on 11/08/1994 and that the guardianship was discharged on 12/19/1996. See court documents here . 1994-1998 - Cory attended Auburndale Senior High School; address of record 3321 Avenue R NW, Winter Haven, F L 1997-1998 School Year - Cory Mills dropped out of Auburndale High School his senior year Mills claims to have been a wrestler and football player at Auburndale HS; he does not show up in the yearbooks for either sport. 1994-1995: Freshman at Auburndale Senior High School 1995-1996: Sophomore at Auburndale Senior High School 1996-1997: Junior at Auburndale Senior High School 1997-1998: Senior at Auburndale Senior High School - did not graduate, was not in the yearbook 1998-1999: Cory enrolled at Lake Regions Senior High School where he graduated in May of 1999 Note: New information was provided in June 2024, we updated this page accordingly. Our mission as a conservative media company is to provide factual and evidence-based information. If you have evidence that either supports or refutes any of the content herein, please submit it here . Thank you. Next Chapter: Military Days “A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.” - Baltasar Gracias