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Vote Your Values

What would you do if you were presented with overwhelming evidence that someone you voted for had lied during their campaign — and has continued lying (and voting democrat) since being elected? 


Would you still trust them? Follow them? Support them? 


Would you loosen your values for a candidate that had knowingly deceived voters — or would you shift your support to a well-vetted candidate who is in line with your values and needs?


What will you do this time?
Ignore it and vote for them again? 

Make a decision to vote for a better person with scruples and morals? 


This is your chance to find out how strong your values are — and to take a stand. 


Your next vote will determine the future of Seminole and Volusia Counties. Your fellow voters are counting on you.

"The act of voting is one opportunity for us to remember that our whole way of life is predicated on the capacity of ordinary people to judge carefully and well.” - Alan Keyes

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