According to Mills’ Official Military Personnel File + DD214:
Mills had 0 years, 0 months of foreign service while in the U.S. Army
Mills couldn’t have been wounded “while deployed” in ‘06 - he left the army in ’03. He lumps his contractor time and military time together.
Per his OMPF, Mills was an Ambulance Aide/Driver at Fort Bragg assigned to an HHC with the 1-325. Ambulance aides/drivers and medics do not engage in combat unless fired upon.
Per his DD214, Mills had 0 years, 0 months service as a 91W2P Health Care Specialist
Senior Enlisted & Officers say that Mills never had boots on the ground
Mills’ records show 0 years, 0 months of overseas combat. Due to this, 5 of Mills’ medals have been redacted while the military conducts an official investigation.
Mills unit went to Kosovo in 2001 on a peace-keeping mission after the war and combat were over. The Kosovo War was over when Mills entered the army; the combat was over June 11, 1999.
Why are awards being put in for Mills 20+ years after the fact for alleged actions that don’t match up with the accounts of multiple people involved as well as real time accounts documented in articles from 2003-2004? See details here
On his DynCorp bio/application (which was submitted to the state department), Mills falsely claimed:
That he served in the US Army 75th Ranger Regiment
That he attended US Army Sniper School
That he went to many other trainings that are not reflected on his OMPF or DD214, some prior to him even entering the army
See more details here
Mills claimed he was a member of JSOC Task Force 20 with the 82nd Airborne - this is false. The JSOC event was between the 2nd battalion of the 325 (2-325) and the range battalion (special ops unit); TF 20 is Delta Force.
Mills was not a part of Delta Force
Mills was not a part of the 2nd battalion (he was in the 1-325)
Mills' claim is not reflected in his Official Military Personnel File or his DD214

Don’t believe us? Do what we did — request the original documents through the Freedom of Information Act.
We stand behind the evidence so much that we are offering A $1,000 reward for proof that any official document on our website is fake. Offer valid for 1st person who submits proof here.
I worked with Cory Mills in Iraq and on his running for Congress website he claims that he was wounded. He was not because I am the guy that was wounded. I have the team photo of that day as well. I will gladly provide that proof to show that Cory Mills is a fraud.
Have you given this info to news papers and independent media? If so what have they said?